Isle of Jura Superstition review
March 17, 2014
Ardbeg Corryvreckan review
March 19, 2014Ardbeg Galileo review

Ardbeg Galileo has an age statement (1999-2012), unlike recent Ardbegs. Containing whisky matured in ex-Marsala and first and second fill ex-Bourbon casks. It has the same ppm as standard Ardbeg whiskys but the Marsala softens it quite a bit. Rich and sweet dram with an Ardbeg touch.
Ardbeg Galileo is a Layer Cake whisky. Referring to the layers/levels you have to go through, when rising to the top of drug business. Let’s make it clear that movie reference comes only from the many layers, that I experienced with Galileo. Nothing drug related in this dram. Fireworks of many different flavors managed to raise this whisky into the top charts of my taste buds.
Definitely, not maybe a L4YER CAKE whisky
I am a big fan of smoke and that’s why I love the usual Ardbeg stuff, but the lack of smoke was not a disappointment to me. In fact, I’d love to welcome something like Galileo into the Ardbeg core range. It was surely nice to get the delicate side of Ardbeg distillery. It was almost like XXXX, the masculine Daniel Craig’s character from Layer Cake, had burst to lively song and dance in the 3rd act.
There’s lots of negative remarks about the Ardbeg Galileo marketing. About the hype of their new-make spirit in space and how Galileo has been made more desirable because it is supposed to be a 30 000 limited bottling. I have to say, that I don’t mind about the nice little “backstories” to boost sales and “hype productizing”. Those are everyday elements in the whisky world and for me, they make whisky tasting more interesting.
Only thing that does bother me: a good, complex and refreshing whisky like this, is hard to get and highly priced.
Ardbeg Galileo Scoring
89Some other Ardbeg reviews:
Ardbeg Corryvreckan
Ardbeg Auriverdes