• Yamazaki distillery was founded in 1923 and is located in Shimamoto, Osaka Prefecture, Japan.
  • First commercial Japanese whisky distillery.
April 29, 2018

Suntory Hibiki Japanese Harmony Master’s Select

Suntory Hibiki Japanese Harmony Master’s Select is an exclusive limited edition of Hibiki Japanese Harmony, originally made for travel retail market. Hibiki’s brand represents the Japanese style of blending in its trademark 24-faceted bottle. They blend together Suntory’s Yamazaki and Hakushu malt whiskies with some Chita distillery’s grain whisky. Hibiki […]
February 23, 2016

Suntory Yamazaki Distiller’s Reserve review

The whisky industry is booming with NAS products (non age statement) so two of Suntory’s malt distilleries, Yamazaki and Hakushu decided to jump on the NAS wagon by releasing Distiller’s Reserve whiskies without age statement. Released in the spring of 2014, I finally got my hands on Yamazaki Distiller’s Reserve. Well, […]
August 26, 2014

Suntory Yamazaki 18 year old review

Yamazaki distillery is located in Shimamoto, Osaka Prefecture in Japan. The distillery was opened in 1923, and it is owned by Suntory, being Japan’s first commercial whisky distillery. Yamazaki 18 year old was the first ever Japanese whisky for me. What a way to start! After this dram, I was […]
June 3, 2014

Suntory Yamazaki 12 year old single malt review

12 year old single malt by Suntory Yamazaki has been in the market since 1984. It was the first Japanese whisky with big marketing on the background. Michael Jackson of Whisky Magazine has stated: “Yamazaki 12 year old is a pioneering malt in Japan, for which Suntory deserve great credit. […]
March 21, 2014

Suntory Hibiki 12 year old review

This Suntory owned Hibiki 12 year old whisky is actually a blend. I couldn’t believe it for the first time I got to taste it. Another curiosity: some of the whisky has been part-matured in Umeshu plum liqueur casks. The malts are from Suntory owned Hakushu and Yamazaki distilleries, with […]