Pyynikin KDC Viskigate Stout
October 24, 2014
Auchentoshan 12 year old review
November 7, 2014Glen Scanlan Blended Scotch Whisky Reserve review

There’s not much info about Glen Scanlan. They do have other whiskies than this 3 year old blended one. Distributed by Slaur International from France, that’s about the only info I know about this Scotch whisky.
A blended whisky of malted barley and grain, this is something Of Unknown Origin, even though it isn’t nowhere near a rat infestation, like the story in the movie.
Nose: Delicate floral notes hit first, then some harsh liquor. Develops into light sherry.
Taste: Harsh and oaky. Mix of watery and stingy blended grain with hints of sherry notes.
Finish: Lasting finish but it isn’t very pleasant. Dry and sour. Oak and hints of Froot Loops cereals.
Balance: Overall a decent blended whisky but I’ve had better. Very light in every way, not as stingy as blends tend to be.
Colour: Dark amber
Nose: 16 | Taste: 15 | Finish: 15 | Balance: 15
Overall score: 61
Distillery: No info
Region: No info
Distributor: Slaur International
ABV: 40%
Overall score: 61
Distillery: No info
Region: No info
Distributor: Slaur International
ABV: 40%
GlenScanlan Scotch Whiskey
It’s mere existence has me rolling around in laughter. I can’t stand whiskey even if it’s spelled correctly . My brother was partial to it, but would have run a Mike from this by its description.
By the way the surname Scanlan is Irish. The only Scanlans in Scotland are those Irish who emigrated there.
My guess us they might support Glasgow Celtic and celebrate with drop of Jameson !
I should know about the Scanlan bit !
I doubt any real Scottish person would touch this stuff with a 40 foot pole.
I will enjoy add this brand to my ” Humour” section on Scanlans!!
Thanks for the comment Pat, made me laugh!
Yes, I’m still laughing at the concept of this Botched Scotch
The makers of Glen Scanlan Scotch Whiskey should check on the choice of naming. I bet some canny Irishperson had a bet on !
let’s see if they fall for it !
Scanlan is an absolute Irish name with no Scottish roots whatsoever